of Arona ( Lake Maggiore)
The old town of Arona on Lake MAggiore is Ancient settlement of
population native of the Liguria region.
Today archaeological findings give evidence of the passing of many ancient
populations among which the Celts, the Romans, and the Longobards.
There are signs as a confirmation of this; when in 1162 Federico Barbarossa
ransacked Milan Arona and its castle, today known as “Borromeo Fortress”, became
a safe house for many pilgrims.
Today Arona is a beautiful city dedicated to tourism, and a favorite hang out
for young people due to many popular nightspots.
Its strategic position set in the lower (southern) section of the Lake Maggiore,
highway and rail connections with Milan, and first important city on the
piedmont shores of the lake make it the ideal base to start a tour of the Lake
Maggiore area.
From Arona the main road of the Sempione starts, passing all town and villages
of the lake, arriving up to the neighboring Switzerland.
Places to see
Courthouse XV century
Collegiate Church XV century
Church of the Martyr XVI century
Church of Loreto or Saint Mary XVI century
Archeological Museum
Natural Park Lagoni Mercurago
is an administrative division of the municipality of Arona)
Itinerary 01 -
Colossus of Saint
Charles XVII
Itinerary 02 - Botanic and Zoological Park
Itinerary 04 - Hills of Lake Maggiore
Itinerary 09 - Mountains Lake Maggiore
Itinerary 11 - Torrent Cannobino
Itinerary 13 - Church Santa Caterina del Sasso
Itinerary 14 - Fortress of Angera Castle

Hotel Lake
Maggiore (Booking Hotel in Real-Time)

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